Thursday, June 20, 2013

Goals and Reasons


  1. Lose 10% of my weight (weight of 211 lbs)
  2. Be within the "overweight" weight range for my height- and out of the "obese" range  (196 lbs)
  3. Return to Pre-Pregnancy weight of 180 lbs
  4. Return to Wedding weight of 170 lbs
  5. Be within "normal" weight range for my height (164 lbs)
  6. Return to college weight of 155 lbs


  1. I don't want to be the "fat one" in my group of friends anymore
  2. I want to be at a healthy weight and feel attractive again
  3. I want my BMI to be in a healthy range
  4. I don't want to hate every photo I'm in or feel the need to hide behind someone
  5. I want to lose weight before my kids realize what "fat is"
  6. I want to enjoy life and stop worrying about others judging me
  7. I want to put on clothing and feel good
  8. I don't want to stare blankly into my closet thinking "I have NOTHING to wear"
  9. I want to have more energy to play with my kids
  10. I want to be a healthy role model for my kids
  11. I want to enjoy eating healthy so I can encourage my family to do the same
  12. I don't want to become diabetic like my grandmother
  13. I want SMALLER boobs
  14. I want to feel in control
  15. I want to be able to wear my engagement and wedding rings again 
  16. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin
  17. I don't want to run into old friends from high school or college and worry about what they think 
  18. I want to inspire others
  19. I want to have "before" and "after" photos that show off all of my hard work 
  20. I want to always be able to find my size while shopping
  21. I want to enjoy clothes shopping
  22. I want to feel comfortable wearing shorts, tank tops and sun dresses
  23. I want to be able to wrap a towel all the way around me
  24. I don't want to sweat so easily anymore
  25. I don't want to snore when I sleep anymore
  26. I don't want to shudder every time I look in a mirror
  27. When someone tells me I look good- I want to actually believe it
  28. I want to wear my Sevens jeans again
  29. I want to go to the beach in my bathing suit without feeling like the fattest woman there.
  30. I don't want to feel as though I am judged for whatever I eat at a BBQ or party
  31. I want to be a size 8/10 again......or smaller
  32. I want to be able to jog/run without some part of my body hurting....or jiggling
  33. I want to be able to meet new people without feeling self conscious
  34. I don't want people to think or say "She'd be pretty if she only lost weight."   
  35. I want to love myself again

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